An Overview
Stem cells are essential in maintaining the human body. They can develop into many different types of cells. When a stem cell divides, each new cell can either remain a stem cell or become another more specialized type of cell, like a muscle cell, red blood cell or brain cell. This means that stem cells can replace cells that are lost or damaged by injury or disease. They can serve as an internal repair system for your body. Stem cells are a key part of what’s known as regenerative medicine.
Regenerative medicine is the study of self-healing as well as tissue engineering. There are a variety of applications for this field of medicine. Our research scientists and doctors are exploring how regenerative medicine can help the body create new cells in order to repair unhealthy or damaged tissues and organs.


Left to Right: Dr. Sajida Shahnawaz with couple Mr & Mrs. Tikka Khan and the First Stem Cell child Husain
Our team is very happy to announce the birth of the first "Stem Cell" baby at one of our global Centers in Lahore, Pakistan. The lucky couple came to us suffering from azoospermia ("Sertoli Only Syndrome") and after the harvesting of the patient's cells, we were able to treat the couple via "testicular perfusion" using the patients own stem cells.
The male was able to regain his ability to produce sperm and we were able to reverse the symptoms of azoospermia. The couple subsequently were able to achieve pregnancy naturally and give birth to a male child. This is a remarkable achievement for our team and we will be able to offer this type of service to other couples. Contact us at
Stem Cells Procedures

Stem Cell Procedures for Orthopedic Conditions
The goal for this procedure is to deliver much greater numbers of stem cells to the injured areas of the joints than your body can deliver on its own.
Our professional staff will inject your stem cells and natural growth factors from your blood platelets using advanced imaging guidance into the area in need of repair (real time fluoroscopy or musculoskeletal ultrasound, using your MRI to plan the injection). This allows the professional to pinpoint the exact location of the injection, as well as the dispersion of the cells into the tissues.

Stem Cells Procedures for Cancer Conditions
Research has brought about advances and therapies that yield improved outcomes every day. When undergoing treatment, understanding goals and learning how to optimize your therapeutic plan is helpful for both patients and their loved ones.
Treatment goals depend on the specific type of lymphoma, how far the disease has spread in the body, and on many other individual, patient-specific factors such as age, general health, pre-existing chronic medical conditions, and the ability to tolerate a given drug treatment or regimen.

Stem cells may play a major role in Tumor treatment
For a donor, the process is relatively easy. For the recipient, it can be a long and difficult process, especially when high doses of chemotherapy are needed to eliminate bone marrow. Complications are common and can include infections, bleeding, and graft versus host disease among others.
That said, bone marrow transplants can treat and even cure some diseases which had previously been almost uniformly fatal. While finding a donor was more challenging in the past, the National Marrow Donor Program has expanded such that many people without a compatible family member are now able to have a bone marrow/stem cell transplant.

Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) Treatment
(MSCs) are found in the bone marrow and are responsible for bone and cartilage repair. On top of that, they can also produce fat cells. Early research suggesting that MSCs could differentiate into many other cell types and that they could also be obtained from a wide variety of tissues other than bone marrow have not been confirmed.
There is still considerable scientific debate surrounding the exact nature of the cells (which are also termed Mesenchymal stem cells) obtained from these other tissues.

Stem Cell Treatment of Azoospermic Males
Our researcher team can now grow stem cells in our lab which can be programmed to specialize into specific types of cells which when introduced into a particular organ or tissue to be able to proliferate further and give rise to similar tissue and help rehabilitate the deficient organ. In our case, the specialized stem cells can then be implanted into the testes via a specific methodology that we have developed as "testicular perfusion" which can enable the deficient testes of an azoospermic male with Sertoli-only-Syndrome to begin producing sperm that can be used further for procreation.
The procedure is at its early experimental stage but it is beginning to yield positive results that are quite promising.
Click here to book your consultation today.

Stem cell therapy is being investigated as a way to replace damaged retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells and prevent disease progression and further deterioration of photo-receptors. In several studies the researchers differentiated regular stem cells into RPE cells and injected them into patients that had ocular dystrophies and other deficiencies. It is routinely shown that stem cells can act as a source of new, healthy specialized cells and may provide a way to replace damaged cells in the eye.
There are several types of stem cells that could be used in different ways, depending upon the particular disorder to be treated.
You may have heard of stem cells before, but there is a lot of mystery about what they actually … do. Why is this such a promising new field?